Open a http stream with VLC

Run VLC and select the input

Select the stream (Media, Open, Network Stream or Ctrl+N)

..type the URL (the IP address shown does not exist anymore)

(you can cut&paste from here with control+C/Ctrl+Ins followed by Ctrl+V/Shift+Ins), click over play

Once the cache is loaded...

...the reproduction will start, often the audio before seeing the video

To know what you're receiving

click on Tools, Codec Informations (or Ctrl+J)'ll see the specs of what it's playing now

..and selecting the Statistics tab

You'll see the received bitrate and other infos

If the stream does not open, maybe the source is unreachable

To test it, open a command prompt (above the italian version)
(in W7 type in the search string cmd enter; in XP start, run, type cmd enter)
In the opened window type ping desired address (only the IP address, not the port, eg ping
If source replies, it means the stream could not be transmitted at the moment.

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