HD 1080p proxed by Apache (network-caching 5000)

In order to test the capability to stream in hd, I've used a small portion of the movie Home realised by Yann Arthus Bertrand in 2009, copyright Europa Corp, publicly viewable on many web sites.
I've added a specific page with all the disclaimer and additional informations.

I've used only 282 seconds from the beginning of the movie. The entire movie is publicly viewable on the web in many languages: their link are reported in the above written disclaimer page
the next section does not embed anymore the video since browsers do not support the vlc plug-in

<OBJECT classid="clsid:E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8" codebase="http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/latest/win32/axvlc.cab" width="640" height="360" id="1080_5000" events="True"> <param name="Src" value=""> <param name="ShowD</p>isplay" value="True"> <param name="AutoLoop" value="True"> <param name="network-caching" value="5000"> <param name="AutoPlay" value="True"> <param name="Volume" value="100"> <embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" pluginspage="http://www.videolan.org" src="" type="video/mpeg" width="640" height="360" network-caching="5000"/> <object data="../jpg/vlc_forbidden_640x360.jpg" type="image/jpg"> </object> <p>It is quite useless to show a webpage embedding a 1080p video because its 1920 pixel would be greater than the greater part of common display. So, please, double click over it, it will open in full screen. (double click again to go back to the web page)</p> <p>The above stream is viewed as proxed by Apache as<br> It shows the first 282 seconds of the movie <b>Home</b> by <b>Yann Arthus Bertrand</b>. The audio is in italian, but the entire movie can be seen freely on the web in english, french, spanish, and other languages as written in the <a href="home_info.html">disclaimer page</a><br> The video is a 3.2 Mbps mean bitrate DVB transport stream including a h264 video and a MPEG1 layer 3 (mp3) stereo audio<br> The same segment but with the resolution of 720p, still compressed in h264 is also browseable as <a href="home_720p_5000.html">TS stream at 2.7 Mbps</a> or compressed in MPEG2 VBR as Transport Streams <a href="mpg2_6.4_5000.html">with a peak of 6.4 Mbps</a> and <a href="mpg2_4.3_5000.html">with a peak of 4.3 Mbps</a>.<br> The reproduction could suffer of continuity problem due to the connection bandwidth or the computational power required to decode it.<br><br> <a href="hd_streaming.html">back</a></p> </BODY> </html>